The product specifications for the DN 8442:
The product specifications for the DN 8442 LH Series:
The product specifications for the DN 8420:
The product specifications for the DN 8420 LH:
DN 8442
– Double needle lockstitch machine with drop and needle feed. Fully automatic lubrication, standard hooks
and 6,4 mm gauge.
DN 8442 LH
– Same as DN 8442, but with large hooks.
DN 8420
– Double needle lockstitch machine with drop and needle feed. This machine is equipped with disengageable
needle bars. Fully automatic lubrication, standard hooks and 6,4 mm gauge.
DN 8420 LH
– Same as DN 8420, but with large hooks
Product | DN 8442, DN 8442 LH, DN 8420, DN 8420 LH |
Table Top | No Table Top, Table Top D 105x55x4 cm |
Stands | No Stand, Stand C (China), Stand K (912 mm), Stand K short (667 mm), Stand Z |
Motor Set | DOL (chinese clutchmotor) 220 or 380 V, No Motor Set, NS clutchmotor 2800 RPM 220 V, NS clutchmotor 2800 RPM 380 V |
Option | No option, Thermical switch 220 V, Thermical switch 380 V |
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